UAB “MILGEDA” labaratory is juridical subject with legal person status working as A type control body and as an independent UAB “MILGEDA” labaratory. UAB “MILGEDA” was registered in Centre of Registers on 7 June 1995. Registration certificate Nr. 147222. The company’s work is guided by articles of association. The practice of UAB “MILGEDA” is described by company’s regulations. The scope of accreditation covers the control (inspection) and calibration of non-automatic weighing instruments and termometres. Accredited activities performed in constant place which can by found by adress Krokuvos st. 15-1, Vilnius or at the customer’s place.
UAB “MILGEDA” labaratory’s quality system is created according to the standarts LST EN ISO/IEC 17020 “Conformity assessment. Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection” and LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”.